Moritz Nicolai – Prizewinner Middlesex University

is a print designer with an impactful graphic streak in his art style. Working with various unusual colour schemes, Moritz catches the ambience around him with his quirky process and tongue-in-cheek comments. His use of vibrant and lively colours is always a part of his composition style, together with contrasting black area, shines an ominous but contradictory light on the imagery.  This enormous print on fabric represents a recent catastrophe in the river Oder. In a series of multifunctional events at the border river between Poland and Germany, such as the hottest drought during the summer of 2022 and a massive discharge of salt and other chemicals, a toxic brackish water algae Prymnesium parvum possibly killed hundreds of tons of fish, clams and other species. The title refers to a dystopian future vision, in which the delta near the Baltic sea may be contaminated with these toxins and chemicals. The whole dilemma seems to simulate the outcome of a sudden dramatic incident between humankind and the nature worldwide quite accurately: miscommunication, internal bickering and no immediate attempt to solve the cause of the problem.

Superdead Delta
Screen Print on cotton