ROSL ‘Memory’ exhibition – PRIZE WINNERS

The prestigious Royal Overseas League in St James, London is hosting our current exhibition titled ‘Memory’. A Private View was held on the 28th August and the evening was a great success with nearly 200 people attending. Thank you to all the organisers and artists who helped make this a tremendous event.

There was a huge diversity of exciting and innovative printmaking, showing a wide variety of techniques and creativity. Our thanks go to our sponsors, who had the hard task of selecting the prize-winners.

John Purcell Paper, Intaglio Printmaker, Southbank Printmakers, Greenwich Printmakers and ROSL ARTS all generously sponsored the exhibition.

Congratulations to the following Printmakers Council members who won prizes on the night.

Sally McKay won the John Purcell Papers prize (£100 paper prize) for her etching, ‘Echo.’

Clare Grossman won the Intaglio Printmaker prize (£100 materials prize) for her etching and monotype, ‘Immortal Reflections in Rose pink No 5’

Colin Gillespie won the Printmakers Council prize (one year’s Printmakers Council Membership) for his mixed media work, ‘Did Voices Say’.

Buckmaster/French won the Southbank Printmakers prize (Two weeks exhibition space in the Southbank Gallery) for their mixed media print, Quercus V

Trevor Dance won the Greenwich Printmakers prize (£100 gift token) for his etching, ‘Kids’.

The ‘Memory’ exhibition continues at ROSL until the 25th November. Please share these dates with everyone so that they don’t miss out on this truly unique print exhibition.